Kyle and Shelby Berglund
Tierra Antigua Realty - Northwest

Buying and Selling Land

When buying or selling vacant land in Arizona, there are several important factors to consider. Here's a list of the most important things to concern yourself with:

  1. Zoning and Land Use: Check the zoning regulations and land use restrictions imposed by the local government. Ensure that the land is suitable for your intended use, whether it's residential, commercial, agricultural, or recreational.

  2. Location: Consider the land's proximity to essential amenities like schools, hospitals, markets, and transportation options. Also, assess the accessibility and connectivity of the area, including road access and nearby highways.

  3. Topography and Soil Quality: Evaluate the land's topography to determine if it suits your plans. Steep slopes, flood-prone areas, or rocky terrain may pose challenges for construction or development. Additionally, assess the soil quality for suitability if you plan on agriculture or gardening.

  4. Utilities and Services: Determine the availability of essential utilities such as water, electricity, and sewer systems. Inquire about the availability of high-speed internet, natural gas, and cable TV, as these may impact your future plans and convenience.

  5. Environmental Factors: Consider any environmental factors that could affect the land, such as flood zones, wildfire risk, or potential pollution sources nearby. It's advisable to consult environmental reports or specialists to ensure you're aware of any potential hazards.

  6. Legal Issues and Restrictions: Conduct a thorough investigation of any legal issues, such as liens, easements, or property disputes, that could affect the land's ownership or use. Also, be aware of any homeowner association rules or deed restrictions that may limit your freedom in using the land.

  7. Survey and Boundaries: Obtain a recent survey of the land to confirm the boundaries and avoid any encroachments or disputes with neighboring properties. Ensure that the land's boundaries align with the information provided in the deed or title.

  8. Natural Hazards: Arizona is known for various natural hazards like wildfires, droughts, and monsoon storms. Research the area's history of natural disasters to assess potential risks and evaluate if the land is located in a high-risk zone.

  9. Permits and Approvals: Understand the process for obtaining necessary permits and approvals for construction or development on the land. Check with local authorities to ensure you're aware of the requirements and timelines involved.

  10. Future Development Plans: Research any upcoming development projects or plans in the surrounding area. This information can give you insights into potential growth and infrastructure changes that may impact the value and desirability of the land.

Remember, it's crucial to consult with professionals such as real estate agents, lawyers, surveyors, and environmental experts to guide you through the buying process and address any specific concerns related to the vacant land you're considering.


If you are interested in buying or selling land. Please contact me and set up a land consultation.